Final fantasy tactics wiegraf
Final fantasy tactics wiegraf

final fantasy tactics wiegraf

Segment 7: Goug Machine City to Barius Hill Segment 6: Zirekile Falls to Goug Machine City Not much to say here as my Ninjas kick off Chapter 2 with flying fists of fury. Segment 5: Orbonne Monastery to Zirekile Falls Not wanting to redo a 20+ minute segment, I kept it anyway, although I should have gone back and redone it. Algus’ evasion decides to catch on fire and the battle takes about 2 minutes longer than it should have. I should’ve cut off this segment after the near perfect Wiegraf battle, but I figured I would ride my luck into the Algus battle. However, here’s where I make a costly mistake. Miluda and Wiegraf never stood much of a chance. The Ninjas are ready for action now, and even the low Brave Ninjas are quite a powerhouse with fists and Martial Arts. Segment 4: Sweegy Woods to Fort Zeakden (end of Chapter 1)

final fantasy tactics wiegraf

Two of the units have Ninja open, but the others do not, so a quick random battle is fought to get them all to Ninja. Segment 3: Sand Rat Cellar to Sweegy Woods It’s a good thing Hell Ivy doesn’t do much damage, since many uses of it are required to earn all that Thief JP. The first mix of units comes into play at Sand Rat Cellar, as only two of the four units have enough Geomancer JP for Hell Ivy, so they become Thieves and the other two become Geomancers. Monks are the choice for Dorter, since their physical power makes this battle much easier. Next up is the Archer class, where at Sweegy, they mostly pound themselves with rocks and fists while Delita and Algus keep the monsters occupied. Segment 2: Igros Castle to Sand Rat Cellar Once they all get to 200 Knight JP, the battle is ended. Into the Knight class they go for Mandalia (minus the chemist, who needs the squire JP for Gained JP UP). Therefore, all the male units (and a female squire) are used at Gariland, where all the males (except the chemist) get 200 JP for Gained JP UP. The prerequisites are level 2 Squire, level 2 Knight, level 3 Archer, level 3 Monk, level 4 Thief, and level 2 Geomancer. My ultimate goal is to get my male units into the Ninja class as soon as possible and then wreck havoc on the rest of the game from that class. Ramza is a Capricorn since he needs good compatibility with Wiegraf to make Riovanes Castle much quicker, but that’s jumping ahead! As always, the opening battle does its thing, then the real battles start. Segment 1: Orbonne Monastery to Igros Castle

final fantasy tactics wiegraf final fantasy tactics wiegraf

Speed run of Final Fantasy Tactics in 23 segments, completed on January 31 2007.

Final fantasy tactics wiegraf